2010年5月20日 星期四

A Story of Henry Ford

I know a car is named Ford, but I never know the history of it. Today I will share the information from my book which I read. Let’s see about the story.

Henry Ford was born in 1863 on a farm near Dearborn Michigan. At the beginning, he was a machinist’s apprentice in Detroit and he was only 16 years old. Then in 1890s, he worked as a mechanical engineering. During his leisure time, he experimented with the construction of the first automobile. In 1896s, he completed the quadricycle. Finally, he founded the Ford Motor Company.

Ford is most famous for producing the Model T in 1913. The production innovates in its use of interchangeable part and assembly line. Although, Ford is not the first to use the practices, he is the first to implement them on a large scale.

In spite of Ford is the pioneering efforts in the automobile industry of America, but the company is not well operation. The reason is low wages, heavy workloads and the monotony of the assembly line to make labors flow volume. So the above reasons reduce the productivity of industry. In order to stabilize situation, Ford increases almost $5 per day of wages to labors.

However, Model T is sales well, but it lack innovation. Finally, Ford can’t compete with others, such as General Motors.
Ford is best known for introducing the Model T and mass automobile production, but he also manufactures airplanes.

Finally, Ford run for seat in the US senate in 1918, but is defeat. Subsequently, he takes a role of statesman and travel to Europe to trying persuades Europe to put an end to the First World War. Ford also is a noted philanthropist as he builds one of the most expansive hospitals in Detroit in 1919. Upon his death in 1947, he left the bulk of his fortune of over $600 million to the non-profit Ford Foundation.

