2010年9月10日 星期五

An announcement about the restaurant food in the campus

1. 先讀一個ANNOUNCEMENT, 關於食堂要取消熱食而只售冷食,這樣的話,1,因為冷食比熱食更有營養,2,學生可以因此省錢。然後聽一段學生間的對話,一個女生對學校的這種改變極為不滿,並表達了相反的意見。總結女生的意見但要與所讀的ANNOUNCEMEN相結合。

By illustrating the restaurant will only sale cold food for students, the lecturer completely challenges the reading passage.
To being with, the reading passage asserts that the cold food is more nutritious than hot food. However, the lecturer maintains that the cold food not fit for everyone to eat. Besides, that is not absolutely correct about the cold food has more nutritious. Therefore, she directly challenges the reading passage.
Moreover, the reading passage claims that students can save money by buy the cold food. Nevertheless, the lecturer points out that the restaurant deprives student’s authority to choose other kinds of foods. Hence, this is the second part the lecturer denies.
Consequently, the contents displayed in the reading passage are entirely rejected by lecturer.

